Safety - don't get scammed


  1. Don't pay any fees
  2. Temporary payments

Don't pay any fees

The scammer begins by posing as a sugar daddy or mommy. They then approach people on websites and social media who are looking to become a sugar baby.

The scammer will send the user a message, telling them that they're willing to pay off any bills they have or buy them expensive goods. This leads the victim into believing that the scammer has the solution to their problems.

The scammer then declares they're ready to help the victim get out of the mess they're in; but there's a catch.

For some reason, the scammer will require a payment / a fee from the sugar baby before they send over the money. The reason can change from scammer to scammer. Some will play the power card and say that the small payment acts as a "proof of loyalty." Others will use an excuse such as payment fees or other expenditures involved in sending the money over.

Of course, the initial payment isn't for anything: it's just a scam. Once the scammer gets the money, they vanish without sending the promised money and leave the victim out of pocket.

Beware of temporary payments

This method is far more dangerous than the one above, as it reliably tricks the user into thinking they actually got paid. The problem is, the money the victim receives disappears after a while, leaving them with nothing again.

Scammers create this "temporary payment" in one of two ways. They may choose to use stolen credit card funds to pay the sugar baby. The money does land in the baby's account, but once the credit card company realizes that the card was stolen, they'll take the money back and leave the victim with nothing.

They may also choose to use a check that they know will bounce. The check will show up in a bank account once cashed, but they won't truly "count" until the funds clear. If they don't, the money vanishes from the account again.

But if the scammer is paying a victim with this temporary money, how are they making money off of them? The key here is that a scammer has a small window between the payment and the money evaporating where the victim truly believes they've been paid. They can exploit this window and ask for some money back before the money disappears.

For instance, a scammer may send a victim $2,000 in checks to cover the victim's bills. Then, the scammer will say they want a token of appreciation, or that they have a special occasion coming up. They'll then ask the victim to pay them back a little bit (say, $100), usually in gift cards.

Gift card payments are a huge red flag that you're in the middle of a scam. Unlike money transfers, gift cards have less of a paper trail and are easier to send. This is why phone scammers always ask for payment via them.